Cheyenne was enjoying soccer camp as a young girl, when she started feeling ill. At first, she thought she had a regular virus, but soon discovered that she had contracted one of the first cases of a rare, mysterious, polio-like illness that had attacked her nervous system and spinal cord. Doctors became mystified as the virus caused Cheyenne to lose movement and feeling in her hands and throughout her body. But even that wouldn’t hold Cheyenne back!
Although Cheyenne can no longer use her hands, the staff at Ranken Jordan helped her learn to operate a motorized wheelchair with her foot and operate a computer with her eyes. Cheyenne’s motivation to live an active life has made her an extremely successful student and motivated young woman.
Today, Cheyenne is in college with hopes to go to law school and be an advocate for people with disabilities. She is an active leader on campus, taking on roles with student organizations and her sorority and the Disabled Athlete Sports Association! Some of her sorority sisters even learned how to assist Cheyenne with her ventilator and trach so that she can live an active social life without a nurse all of the time.