Three years ago, Haili was in a serious car accident that caused Traumatic Brain Injury and left her unresponsive and confined to a hospital bed for several weeks. After fighting for three weeks in the ICU, Haili’s family knew she was going to survive, but they had no idea if she would ever wake up. She transferred to a long-term acute care facility, and her family prepared for this to be Haili’s new home. Then Haili’s mom, Amy, learned about Ranken Jordan.
Haili transferred to Ranken Jordan, and the therapists immediately started Haili on an intensive therapy plan even though she was still unconscious. There were as many as three therapists working with Haili at once as her specialized care team began getting her body moving and familiar with the motions of walking. When Haili woke up, her therapy treatments expanded. In a matter of weeks, she was consistently showing the ability to be responsive to commands. Not long after that, Haili was able to give her mom a hug for the first time since her accident. Haili was able to go home after spending five months working hard with a full team of specialists at Ranken Jordan.
Three years after her car accident, Haili and her family and friends returned to Ranken Jordan to thank her care team and give a donation in honor of the third anniversary of her accident. During their visit to the hospital, Haili thanked the doctors, therapists and others from her care team who were essential in her profound recovery. As tears of joy streamed from the eyes of everyone present, Haili showed staff members that she was now able to walk on her own. There is no way this would be possible without those who support the care she received at Ranken Jordan.
Haili and Amy have now started volunteering every week at Ranken Jordan to further express their appreciation for the care they received. Haili and her family are forever thankful for the generosity of those in the community who make it possible for children to receive life-changing care.