Questions to think about to prepare yourself for discharge:

Please ask yourself these questions while thinking about where everything is going to be stored and what is needed for you and your child to succeed.

What do I need access to right away?

Do I have a place to store what I use regularly?

Where do I want to put feeding items?

Is my child eating with a feeding tube or by mouth?

Will we all be eating together in the kitchen, in bed or in a different room?

Who do I call when I need more supplies or questions about my supplies? DME # / Care Coordinator #

Where do I want to put airways materials?

If your kid has a tracheostomy or vent, where are you planning on keeping all the airway supplies?

Who do you call if you are running low or missing supplies? DME Company #

Where can I store all the extra supplies?

You will be getting regular shipments of supplies. Do you have a closet or dresser or open space set aside in order to store everything?

Questions to ask your child's team?

What is my DME shipment going to contain? Quantity of each item? How often does it come? Who do I call with questions or concerns?

Where can I put positioning/ splinting for your child?

  • Your child might be wearing braces on his/her hands, body or feet?
    • Where can you store these, so they are able to easily be put on your child?
    • Do you know how to properly use and check for redness/best fit?
    • Who do call if you have any issues?
  • Your child may need to be repositioned in bed
    • Do you have positioning items and are you able to safely use them?

Where can I store therapy equipment so I can access it, but it isn’t in the way?

  • Wheelchair, stander, gait trainer, walker, etc…These are big pieces of equipment. Where would you like their “parking spot” to be located? Do you know how to use, adjust and break down equipment? What number do you call if you need help?