A Legacy of Excellence: Dr. Lynda Earns Top Doctor – 20 Year Badge

Growing up in New York, Dr. Lynda Brady was inspired by a family friend who was a general practitioner. “He had a huge influence on my life, and he really encouraged me to go into medicine,” says Dr. Brady. In middle school, she had landed on the idea of becoming a dentist. “Then around sixth grade, I thought, that’s gross.”

Coincidentally, she would end up specializing in the other end of the digestive system. Dr. Brady graduated from Stony Brook School of Medicine and completed her residency and fellowship in pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition at the University of Chicago.

Dr. Lynda and her husband, also a physician, moved to St. Louis in 1995 where they each worked at SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital. She served as an attending, and her husband was a pediatric ER fellow. After two years, they returned to Chicago. Dr. Lynda practiced at the University of Chicago for 14 years, serving for six years as the director of pediatric hepatology and medical director of pediatric liver transplantation.

As a mother of five with a demanding job in a bustling city, Dr. Lynda needed a change. Her family moved back to St. Louis in 2003 where she was invited to run her own pediatric GI clinic. This allowed her to continue treating pediatric GI cases and still balance her growing family. After 14 years, she was ready for another challenge.

“In private practice, I liked the children living with medical complexities the most because it used so much brain power to figure out how I can make this patient’s life better,” she says looking back. “That’s every patient at Ranken Jordan.”

A Big Fish in a Growing Pond

She joined Ranken Jordan in September 2017, and in less than a year she was named the “Big Fish,” a peer-to-peer award at the time. Submitted by a nurse in clinical services, the award read, “Dr. Brady actually listens to her coworkers and her patients. [She] doesn’t just say, ‘I am the doctor, and you do what I say.’ She is truthful and gives reasons for her decision-making, which shows that she cares about the patients as well as the knowledge of those working alongside her. She is a great cheerleader and she makes me want to be a better healthcare professional.”

In 2020, her department created a new manager position. She did not intend to apply considering she had spent 20 years in a leadership role. It was her fellow physicians who asked her to apply that encouraged her to finally accept the promotion.

Her colleagues and patients regularly commend her in surveys and MRJ Way moments, though she acts surprised by the praise. She says she can be direct sometimes. “I grew up in Queens,” she says laughing.

Flushing Success

One of her biggest fans sits only a few steps away from her at Ranken Jordan. Ally Crust, director of development, takes her son Franklin to Dr. Brady’s GI clinic. She says it’s been life changing for her whole family since seeing Dr. Brady.

Franklin is eight years old and lives with hydrocephalus, cortical visual impairment and cerebral palsy. Ally added encopresis to that list after learning about it at Ranken Jordan.

“Potty training wasn’t a priority because we were focused on his brain and bones, so we didn’t spend much time with it,” she says. “When we did see a GI doctor to see what control Franklin really had, they couldn’t really tell us. They blamed his age, his lack of muscle control due to his cerebral palsy, or cognitive function, so we didn’t get many answers. It took over six months to get an appointment with any specialist.”

Finally, Ally made an appointment with Dr. Brady.

“She’s been so helpful and available. She explained everything to us when no one else could. Now, after 18 months since seeing her, Franklin went from needing eight diaper changes a day to being completely potty trained! Having a kid who can go to the bathroom with his peers at school (instead of the nurse’s office to have his diaper changed) is truly lifechanging for him!

Top Doctor for 20 Years and counting

Dr. Brady’s expertise and approach impress her colleagues everywhere she goes. Dr. Lynda has been named a Top Doctor for more than 20 years. “Once a Top Doctor does not mean always a Top Doctor,” according to Castle Connelly, a research company and creator of the Top Doctors® List. Only seven percent of all physicians in the nation are named to the Top Doctors List, and less than one percent earn the Top Doctor – 20 Years badge. “These Top Doctors have met the physician-led Castle Connolly review process standards for at least 20 years,” according to Castle Connelly

After 35 years of practicing medicine, Dr. Brady says Ranken Jordan is the most “joyful” place to work. “You don’t think about hospitals and people being joyful about their work necessarily. From the time you walk in the door, people are smiling, saying hello to you, asking how you are… It’s a wonderful place to work. Everyone cares about the patient’s whole life, not just the illness, and asks, ‘How can we make their whole life the best life it can be?’”

Between all her awards and accolades, it seems Dr. Brady is her only critic. “I’m a Mets fan, unfortunately.”

Dr. Brady Living Our Values, the MRJ Way


  • Lynda brought the program Ready Readers to Oz. She will be reading to the children weekly and providing free books to the children through the program. Way to go thinking outside the box and make a difference for the children!!!
  • Brady took a patient on a long walk to get him off the unit to get a change of scenery, helping out the floor nurses when they had to take care of other patients! Dr. Brady is THE BEST!!
  • She is such an inspiration to see a doctor sit on the floor and read a book to a child. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in awhile.

Collaborative Teamwork

  • Look up Superwoman in the dictionary and you will find a picture of Dr. Brady! She is all around one of the most selfless people I have ever met. She is ALWAYS making sure that her patients are taken care of. She even worked 7 days in a row, allowing her colleagues to take time off to enjoy Spring Break with their kiddos. I cannot rave about her enough. She deserves all the credit and recognition for the things that she does on a DAILY basis. Ranken is lucky to have her.
  • Brady took the time out of her day to help out and comfort patients when nursing was very short staffed. She held a storming patient and helped him sleep and played with another and read him books! This is a great representation of being there for our patients!
  • Brady was around during skin rounds and assisted with a diaper change. She also went above and beyond and took out the trash. She not only demonstrated collaborative teamwork, but also compassion towards the patient. Dr. Brady goes above and beyond for her team and kids- all with a smile and great attitude!
  • My patient was agitated for almost 2 hours and was about to be on their second line of medication. Dr Brady came down to assess the patient and was able to help settle the patient and get them to sleep. I really appreciate her for taking the time to support me and the patient!
  • She always brings in donuts on the weekend for the nursing staff. It is a small gesture that goes a long way.


  • Brady came in late at night to discuss a difficult transition for a patient’s care to make sure night shift was comfortable and answer any questions we had. It was great to have her support so we could best support the kiddo and their family.
  • She explains things in a very easy to understand way for parents and is always open to collaborate with other disciplines.
  • Lynda is emotionally present to everyone. Whether it is a patient, a patient’s family member, or a coworker – she is always there to help in any way she can. I admire the respect and understanding she has for others and their thoughts/opinions/cares/concerns. She is always there to answer silly questions we have about patients or even life in general; or to help her coworkers solve problems/make decisions.
  • Every weekend that Dr. Brady works, she always brings in treats for the nurses on each unit. It is so thoughtful and makes the nurses day. Thanks Dr. Brady for always collaborating with clinical services and treating us! 🙂


  • She is always patient and kind, even in stressful situations. Lynda is so easy to approach and that helps immensely in communication on a professional and personal level. Lynda is selfless.
  • She gets to know the patients and their families and is genuine in so many ways.
  • She gets to know her coworkers and is very down to earth. Lynda is a ray of sunshine in the RJ family. She contributes to others’ lives with no ulterior motive. She truly cares about what she does and that is one of the greatest attributes one can have in a Pediatric MD.
  • Mary Ranken Jordan was kind and compassionate. I recently worked alongside Dr. Brady on a patient situation with difficult circumstances. Dr. Brady was steady, kind and understanding of the situation. Dr. Brady was innovative in terms of coming up with creative ways to remedy the difficult situation. I am so glad to work with you, Dr. Brady.


  • In meetings/workgroups, she is a strong leader and helpful in assuring meetings are productive and have action items for follow up and continued progression of goals.
  • Lynda is so intelligent. She always chooses a positive attitude no matter the situation. She has such an optimistic outlook and never turns down a teaching opportunity. I have never heard her complain about anyone or any situation.
  • I would like to extend a sincere “Thank You” to Dr. Brady for coming to the new RN classes each month to talk about the care of patients with gastrointestinal issues. These sessions give our new RNs valuable information about care and assessment which are essential to their success while caring for our vulnerable patient population. The passion and expertise she shares with our staff is a highly valued component of orientation