The Bravest Girl
Born on December 3rd of 2021, Danielle was a perfectly healthy baby. But things took a devastating turn in the early morning hours of December 4th, less than 24 hours of Danielle’s life. Her feet turned blue. She was immediately transferred to the NICU hooked up to several machines. She was on oxygen, experiencing heart problems, had urinary retention issues, a catheter and a nasogastric (NG) tube to help her get the nutrients she needed to survive. She was diagnosed with Hirschsprung’s disease – a condition that affects the large intestine. After going home, Danielle was later diagnosed with Mowat-Wilson’s Syndrome – a genetic condition so rare that only about 500 children in the whole world have it.
In 2022, Danielle had a failed colostomy which brought her into a septic shock and a very bad wound. Which resulted in her finding her Ranken Jordan! Danielle’s mom, Carole, describes Ranken Jordan as the literal “bridge” before home care. She is happy knowing that her daughter is happy, loved, and safe at Ranken Jordan.
Danielle is receiving multiple therapies such as physical, occupational, speech, and music. She attends our Optimization Zone (OZ) program and loves socializing with other babies. Danielle loves watching the nursing staff, having visitors, reading books, and her mom’s singing.
At Ranken Jordan, Danielle is working on some developmental milestones. With the help of the therapists, Danielle has been able to gain the strength to do things that she was able to do before her last surgery. She has made improvements in strengthening her core, roll over on her own, and she is even learning to hold herself up. Danielle loves babbling, blowing raspberries, and watching her grandpa’s videos.
As Danielle’s journey continues at Ranken Jordan, she will one day make it home to watch her grandpa in person and make countless memories with her mother.