Beyond the Bedside Speaker Series
Overcoming Obstacles
The Children and young adults who come to Ranken Jordan for transitional care show incredible courage and resilience through their recovery. To bridge home, families are faced with numerous additional challenges to address beyond the daily hospital therapies. This is why Ranken Jordan focuses on family-centered care. For a patient to thrive at home, the entire family must have a strong support system. Join us on Thursday, January 23 for our next Beyond the Bedside speaker series presented by Forvis Mazars discussing all the challenges of transitioning patients from hospital from home and how Ranken Jordan is helping overcome those obstacles. We will host an expert panel featuring a an array of Ranken Jordan Staff from multiple disciplines including social work, nursing, physicians, and therapists, along with a patient parent to share perspectives and strategies for these common barriers to discharge.
January 23, 2025 – 5:00PM
The event will be held at Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital: 11365 Dorsett Road, Maryland Heights MO 63043. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided.
This event is free; however, registration is required. Sign up below: