Meet Lisa

Lisa came to Ranken Jordan in December of 2018 as a fragile baby, and there was little hope for her future. Born with significant heart defects, Lisa had three heart surgeries before she was 1 year old. She spent the first 14 months of her life in a pediatric intensive care unit. Each day was a struggle for survival. Her mother was afraid to buy a crib for fear her baby would never come home to use it.

Lisa was completely dependent on a ventilator to help her breathe. She couldn’t sit up or communicate. Her oxygen levels and heart rate frequently dropped, causing her to be very unstable when she first came to Ranken Jordan. 

After a few months at Ranken Jordan with regular physical, occupational and speech therapy, Lisa grew remarkably stronger. She became more alert, and her personality began to shine.
Lisa spent a total of four years at Ranken Jordan and celebrate many achievements during that time. When Lisa went home in November 2022, she was walking, using American Sign Language and a communication device to talk with others, able to breathe without the ventilator, and at a similar developmental level as other children her age.

Meet Teddy

Four-year-old Teddy and his twin brother, Jackson, were born three months early. Jackson was born strong and healthy, but Teddy was born facing life-threatening medical complications. Teddy has subglottic stenosis meaning his airway is very narrow. Sometimes it can close completely and prevent him from taking a breath. Teddy spent four months in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) waiting for his windpipe to develop enough for him to go home. He was only home for a month when his windpipe closed again.

Teddy needed a tracheostomy tube to bypass his narrow airway and give him the best chance of survival. Babies who rely on tracheostomy tubes turn to Ranken Jordan for the specialized care they need. Ranken Jordan provided Teddy with a place to grow, mature, and strengthen his airway.
Now Teddy is home and able to play with his twin brother every day. When Teddy was discharged from Ranken Jordan right before Thanksgiving 2022, he was able to walk, communicate with others using American Sign Language and a communication device, and had increased his development skills. Teddy still has a tracheostomy, but he is stable enough to be home with his family’s care.