An expert team of health care professionals and specialists will focus on all parts of care based on your child’s individual needs. The rehabilitation team also will provide you education......
Numerous resources are available locally and nationally to help you find support, services and education about burns. Burns Recovered Support Group The Mission of Burns Recovered Support Group is to......
When your child first arrives at Ranken Jordan, our team will be responsible for your child’s dressing changes and therapy. This allows your child to become comfortable with the treatment......
Your child’s wounds will be managed by a team of specialists focusing on all parts of care. Wound care is unique for each patient. Your expert care team will determine......
Create a daily schedule and routine with regular meal and bedtimes. A predictable schedule creates a sense of security. Help your child get enough sleep, including naps if appropriate, and......
Traumatic experiences such as a burn can greatly affect a child’s behavior and mental health. Your child may experience depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress symptoms, body image changes, and behavioral......